=========================================================================== --- SURVEY OVERVIEW --- --- SURVEY OVERVIEW --- --- SURVEY OVERVIEW --- ATHLETE SURVEY https://purdue.qualtrics.com/ https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-module-overview/ =========================================================================== SURVEY LOGIC vs SURVEY FLOW: In general, Skip Logic and Display Logic operate on individual questions within a given given "Block". Skip Logic or Display Logic allow you to Skip or Display "Questions". This is different from "Survey Flow" which operates on groups of questions organized into "Blocks". Survey Flow allows you to Skip or Display "Blocks". 1. This exercise creates 5 "Blocks": [INTRO] --> [ATHLETES] --> [NON-ATHLETES] --> [EVERYONE] --> [THANK YOU] 2. The [INTRO], [EVERYONE] and [THANK YOU] blocks will appear for ALL RESPONDENTS. 3. The [ATHLETES] and [NON-ATHLETES] blocks will only appear based on the answer to Q1. 4. There is DISPLAY LOGIC within the [ATHLETES] block. 5. There is SKIP LOGIC within the [NON-ATHLETES] block. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== =========================================================================== --- BEGIN SURVEY CONTENT --- =========================================================================== --- BLOCK: SURVEY INTRODUCTION --- --- BLOCK: SURVEY INTRODUCTION --- --- BLOCK: SURVEY INTRODUCTION --- ALL RESPONDENTS WILL SEE THE FOLLOWING BLOCK: =========================================================================== Introduction: Please complete the following survey that is designed for both athletes and non-athletes. This survey is being conducted as part of a research project at Purdue University and is considered to be "Human Subjects Research." The risk for participating in this survey is considered a Minimal Risk where: "Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests." -- See: https://www.irb.purdue.edu/docs/new/sops-web.pdf (302 Initial Review Section 2.7) For more information about the Purdue Human Research Protection Program, see: https://www.irb.purdue.edu/getting-started/ Thank you. { activate links above and open in new windows } --- A QUESTION FOR EVERYONE LOCATED IN THE FIRST BLOCK --- --- A QUESTION FOR EVERYONE LOCATED IN THE FIRST BLOCK --- --- A QUESTION FOR EVERYONE LOCATED IN THE FIRST BLOCK --- >>> Q1. Are you an athlete? Y/N (branch based on this question) =========================================================================== --- BLOCK: ATHLETE QUESTIONS --- --- BLOCK: ATHLETE QUESTIONS --- --- BLOCK: ATHLETE QUESTIONS --- CREATE A SURVEY FLOW BRANCH AND ONLY SHOW THE FOLLOWING BLOCK IF "YES" WAS SELECTED IN Q1: =========================================================================== >>> Q2. What is your favorite athletic activity (check all that apply)? Basketball Golf Football Running Volleyball Other [______] >>> Q3. Indicate your agreement with the following: (If "usually in pain" = Strongly or Somewhat Agree, then display injury question) [MATRIX QUESTION - Strongly agree to Strongly disagree] Being athletic gives me a sense of self-fulfillment Being athletic stimulates me both physically and mentally I enjoy being athletic, but I find it difficult to work into my schedule I am athletic only because of peer pressure I am usually in pain when I engage in athletics (SA or A displays injury Q) DISPLAY LOGIC: If pain in Q3 = Strongly Agree OR Agree: >>> Q4. Do you have a sports related injury that is causing you pain? (Displayed only if in pain) Yes / No =========================================================================== --- BLOCK: NON-ATHLETE QUESTIONS --- --- BLOCK: NON-ATHLETE QUESTIONS --- --- BLOCK: NON-ATHLETE QUESTIONS --- CREATE A SURVEY FLOW BRANCH AND ONLY SHOW THE FOLLOWING BLOCK IF "NO" WAS SELECTED IN Q1: =========================================================================== >>> Q5. Indicate your agreement with the following: (If "medical condition" = Somewhat or Strongly Agree, then skip the "participation" Q) [MATRIX QUESTION - Strongly agree to Strongly disagree] I have never enjoyed sports or athletics I enjoy watching sports, but not participating I am considering becoming more athletic Being athletic may improve my overall health I have a medical condition that prevents me from engaging in athletics (SA skips the participating Q) SKIP LOGIC ON PREV Q: If medical condition in Q5 = Strongly Agree, skip to Q7 >>> Q6. Do you plan to begin participating in athletics in the next 6 months? (This question skipped if there is a medical condition) Yes / No >>> Q7. Have you ever been inspired by the story of an athlete? Yes / No Comment: ______ =========================================================================== --- BLOCK: QUESTIONS FOR EVERYONE --- --- BLOCK: QUESTIONS FOR EVERYONE --- --- BLOCK: QUESTIONS FOR EVERYONE --- ALL RESPONDENTS WILL SEE THE FOLLOWING BLOCK: =========================================================================== >>> Q8. Apart from athletics, choose the lifestyle that best describes yours: Active lifestyle Wannabe athlete Somewhat sedentary lifestyle Couch potato Other [______] >>> Q9. How much TV/Streaming Video do you watch per day? 30 minutes or less 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4+ hours =========================================================================== --- BLOCK: THANK YOU --- --- BLOCK: THANK YOU --- --- BLOCK: THANK YOU --- ALL RESPONDENTS WILL SEE THE FOLLOWING BLOCK: =========================================================================== If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Robert Evans, bob@purdue.edu. This project will end on December 31, 2020. Please click the "Next" button to FINALIZE your survey submission. If you do not click "next" your submission will be incomplete!!! =========================================================================== --- END SURVEY CONTENT --- ===========================================================================