How to Back Up Data in Outlook 2013

Although Purdue IT’s Exchange server is configured to hold permanently deleted items in a dumpster for 30 days after being deleted, it is not possible to do an individual mailbox restore to a previous point in time.  So, even though items deleted within 30 days can be recovered, folder structures and original locations of deleted items cannot be restored.  The Education IT team recommends that users periodically make a complete backup of their Exchange data by exporting to an Outlook Data File (.PST).  The process for doing this on a Windows computer is outlined below.

How to back up data in Outlook 2013 (PDF)

–Education IT

Interactive Whiteboards

The College of Education has acquired two additional interactive whiteboards to go along with the one that was installed last year (summer 2010) in BRNG 3295.  We now have eInstruction interactive whiteboards permanently installed in BRNG 3288 and BRNG 3295.  In addition to these, we also have a portable SMART Board mobile cart system (currently located in BRNG 3295).  Please see below for more detailed information related to the manufacturers of these systems as well as pictures of our current hardware.


BRNG 3288 eInstruction Interactive Whiteboard
BRNG 3288 eInstruction Interactive Whiteboard
BRNG 3295 eInstruction Interactive Whiteboard
BRNG 3295 eInstruction Interactive Whiteboard

SMART Technologies

Portable SMART Board System
Portable SMART Board System
 If you are interested in seeing one of these systems in action or scheduling their use, please contact the Education IT team at

 -Education IT

Need to buy an iPad?

Are you looking to buy an iPad?

An iPad can be purchased from within Purdue’s purchasing system by selecting the vendor “Apple”.  However, before you can order, you will need to know which of the 6 variations of the iPad you are interested in.

The iPad comes in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models and 3G cellular capabilities is an option for each.  The prices that you see on the following retail site are also the same prices for higher education.  There is currently no discounted pricing for the iPad.

If you need an external keyboard for the iPad, Apple offers an external keyboard with dock ss an accessory… and that can be purchased with the iPad in the purchasing system.

Your secretary should be able to place this order for you in the Purdue SRM system.